Most of us are familiar with the scene in The Matrix where Neo is given the option between taking two pills, one red, one blue.  We're also likely familiar with Soma, the pill in Aldus Huxley's Brave New World.  I imagine a future where these pills are introduced to us as "potatoes," "steaks," or another common and familiar consumable item.

These potatoes would provide us with the right amount of sustenance and nutrients, while also being filled with whatever medication we are prescribed.  So essentially you'd get a shipment of monthly potatoes and eat one per day vs going to the supermarket to buy groceries and prepare meals each and every week for the rest of your life.

I'm not saying this option will be forced upon us but I can see it being an... option.  This option would likely be introduced as an alternative for the disabled, elderly, or otherwise dependent persons.  Very similar to how Kellogg created his granola cereal by accident, for his mentally ill patients.

The question then is, would you rather buy the potatoes - or continue shopping at Kroger?  At what point do the products we buy at the supermarket essentially mimick the potatoes in this hypothetical scenario?  When will that "organic" lose it's meaning?